The First Official Promo
filed under: 401 A Change is Gonna Come, promo, season four 3 talk backsIt's here! It's here! Watch it now. Seriously!
It's here! It's here! Watch it now. Seriously!
reported by All the Shades of Grey
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
I'm telling you, if Derek starts dating Lexie...then I will stop watching.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i think it wud be interesting cuz then i bet shed date mark just for revenge. MUAHAHAHA >=)
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I know at least ten people who agree that the show will only take a turn for the worse if Meredith and McDreamy do not get back together. The first scene of the show was of the two of them and I know that has to be a big reason the show took off. If they change that they are completely altering the dynamics of the show and will ultimately lose viewers. But..that's just a thought.