Polls! Volume 11 Results
filed under: Alex, gizzie, Lexie Grey, polls 5 talk backsIn our most popular poll! ever - and I mean ever - we got some very interesting results. The question was Are you glad Gizzie is over? and the overwhelming vote? No. You aren't glad it's over. Here's the breakdown:
- 158 of you (or 37%) said that, yes, you were glad Gizzie is over.
- 15 of you (or 3%) said that you were sorta glad they're over.
- 217 of you (or 51%) said that, no, you're not glad that they're over.
- 28 of you (or 6%) said that you weren't sure either way.
- and, finally, 1 of you said "other."
Now be sure to participate in our newest poll! - What do you think of Alexie? - to the right under "Latest News."
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I am not surprised by that. I go on a site where there are 399 George and Izzie fans and we are pretty passionate about our couple. Sure there are a lot of haters, but they have an awful lot of very loyal fans too.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
George/Izzie fans are people too!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Wow 51% are George and Izzie fans, and 37% are against. I think the writers of GA will be happy to hear that. They received some backlash to this story, but I am ecstatic that people are coming around. I have adored George and Izzie together as friends, and hoped they would find their way to each other. I hope that these rumours of their demise are just fabrications. I don't know if I would be able to watch GA without my favorite couple. I know I wouldn't look forward to it like I have last season.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Now, are they going to pretend us Gizzie fans don't exist?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
They probably will. All the blogs have had much more positive George and Izzie comments than negative one since the rumors started yet the critics and soem haters still act like we don't exist. I guess if someone doesn't want to see something.
But us fans are there and not going anywhere.