
One of the Best of the Web!  

2 talk backs

AOLtv has named us one of the Best of the Web regarding Grey's Anatomy fansites! And not only did they name Grey Gossip, but they named our big sister site - The Seriously Grey Area - too! We'd like to thank them with all of our hearts for giving us this honor! Check out all of the Best of the Web here.

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2 talk backs: to “ One of the Best of the Web!

  • Tuesday, September 25, 2007  

    since you're all big shot and stuff, maybe you should consider getting a banner that isn't so badly photoshopped it makes me want to hurt things. love the site lots, but who ever did the manip killed Derek's hair. Lots.

  • Wednesday, September 26, 2007  

    What is so great about this site? You repeat everything Aussiello is saying like he is some God or something and always seem to let your own personal opinions interfere. But hey, since that honour comes from that dreadful AOL, why am I not surprised?