New Look - Same Gossip
filed under: site news 0 talk backsGrey Gossip got a makeover tonight, as you can probably tell. It wasn't a really significant makeover - in fact, I wound up using the same exact template as before. Thing is, Grey Gossip's had the same extact look ever since I opened it way back in December of 2006, and it needed a little shake-up. Now, Grey Gossip is (and will be) better than ever! With much more space on the page, it's much easier for you to see all of the content on the site, since we've now got two sidebars. On the left, you'll find the latest news links, with links to our newest ten stories, with the all the scoop (archives) underneath, and videos underneath that, which showcases our most recent videos that we've uploaded to YouTube. All you've gotta do is hover over the thumbnail to see the video title, then click on it to watch it - right here on the site! To the right, you'll find out poll (unfortunately with the switch in layout we lost all of the votes that we garnered over the last few days on our latest poll - over 70 of them! - so, quick! revote! The poll ends Sunday night!), with the next episode section underneath, which gives you the episode number and name, a link to it's section at TSGA, the synopsis, airdate, air time, writer, and promo! And then following that is all of our miscellaneous links...
So, I really hope you enjoy Grey Gossip's fresh, new look. It's more versatile and gives you so much more information. Thanks for being such faithful readers to the web's #1 stop for Grey's Anatomy news and spoilers.
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