
I Remember That  

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So, the other night I was watching episode 217 (As We Know It). You know, part two of the Super Bowl episode. I was doing some things for the site, and I wound up reading some quotes from the epsiode, and just remembering the scene between Cristina and Meredith and Bomb Squad Guy when they are moving the gurney, well, I just had to re-watch the episode. For that one scene.
Now, (As We Know It) is not my favorite episode. If I had to pick one favorite episode - HAD to pick - it would be the season two finale, Losing My Religion. But that's if I HAD to pick. Which I don't like to do. Nevertheless, (As We Know It) would make the top five. Maybe it'd be number two. Then again, maybe not.
But that's not the point. The point is, the other night I'm watching this episode. This episode from what seems like so many years ago and I finally realized, after months and months of denial, that, yes, Grey's Anatomy is a different show now. It's not something I want to admit. Admitting it makes me want to apologize to Shonda prefusely for saying such a thing about her amazing show. But...Grey's Anatomy of 2008 is NOT the Grey's Anatomy that I watched the other night. And I know it. I knew it as soon as Meredith and Cristina started discussing Burke and how he might blow up, and how it was most important that Meredith needed to pee. Because, see, the thing is: they don't talk like that anymore. The days of endless "Seriouslys" and "Mc-ing" everything and talking about how we need to pee are gone. They just...disappeared. Denny died and they disappeared. Now, they've popped back up every once in a while (like George and Meredith's discussion in Oh, the Guilt or pretty much all of Lay Your Hands on Me), but for the most part, they've disappeared. And, I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say this, I want them back.More...
Grey's Anatomy is still a great show. There's no disputing that. It's better than that freaking American Idol or godforsaken October Road. It's still an amazing show. But it's not Grey's Anatomy anymore. It may have the same characters with the same names, but it's just simply not the same anymore.
In my last editorial, I said that there was something different, something wrong, with the show the way that it is. The thing is, I didn't have an answer as to how it could be fixed. Well, now I do.
See, the thing is, there is still the humor. And the sex. And the drama. And everything that was there to begin with. But the problem now is the way it is being executed. Cristina and Meredith don't discuss guys anymore. The doctors, really, in general just aren't inappropriate in front of their patients the way they used to be (remember way back to season one when George shared his love of Meredith to the dying tumor patient, Annie?). That was part of the reason why the show was so much fun. The doctors shared too much. And they just don't do it anymore. Yah, I suppose it could be called character growth and more professional, but, still. I want the inappropriateness back. That was the fun that's missing. And the problem with the sex is that its no longer fun anymore. The sex is always melodramatic. Remember back in the beginning when Meredith just slept with Derek? And then Bailey saw it? I'm still not sure anybody knows that Alex slept with Addison...not even Mark, possibly. And nobody even knew about George and Izzie until months (in our time) after they slept together. The fun sex...it just isn't there.
Everything else? It's just fine. The stories, no matter what you think, are certainly getting back track. That was definitley evidenced by "Lay Your Hands on Me." If you think about it, this really will be the first time that Meredith and Derek have REALLY broken up. With it as a mutual agreement. Even when Addison showed up, they didn't really break up. We all know that. But this time, it's for real. For the very first time. And this allows for some VERY interesting storylines to take place. But if you think they'll never get back together, then you need to get your head checked - quickly.
So, I'm not trying to rag on the show. Call it TV's worst show ever. I'm not trying to do anything like that, because, the truth is, there's no reason to. Grey's Anatomy is still better than pretty much anything on TV. The writers have just lost some of the focus and magic, which, after four years, is understandable and OK. There's still 18 million people watching every week. We just need to remind the writers of what they've forgotten.
So, if you are one of those fans who says you'll never watch again because MerDer is broken up or the show is too melodramatic, just wait and see. Keep watching, and you'll see. Shonda Rhimes isn't stupid. No matter what you think, she's not. She's got a brilliant plan stored in her head for this show, and it's going to play out her way no matter what. We just need to remind her to add the fun back in.

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