Writers May Still Decline...
filed under: writer's strike 0 talk backsAccording to the numerous reports all over the web, despite the fact that the WGA has reached a tentative agreement to end the strike (and by tentative, it means that the contract would expire in 2011), the agreement must still be ratified by the hundreds of WGA members, of which a vote is to be held either tonight (2/9/08) or tomorrow (2/10/08). According to the reports, most of the writers are thrilled at the fact that there has been an agreement made, and they want to get back to work as soon as they can. But, as always, there are still some members who are unhappy with the terms of the agreement, as they feel the WGA has compromised too much. However, if the strike were to end tonight or tomorrow, the writers could return to work as early as Monday, and we could get new episodes of Grey's Anatomy in April/May. So, keep your fingers, toes, and eyes crossed in the hopes that everything goes great from here on out...
We'll keep you updated.
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