Two Hour Finale?!
filed under: rumors, show news 0 talk backsComing from the weirdest of sources - the creators of Lost - is an interview in which they say that ABC is planning a two-hour finale of Grey's!
We are writing it as a two hour but they want to air it as two different hours because on May 22nd, which is essentially the last day of the season, they have a two hour Grey's [Anatomy] finale which going to run from 8 to 10, and that is only going to leave an hour for us. - Damon LindelofSo, now the question is whether or not the two hours counts as "two of the five remaining episodes," or just one. Considering that they say the season finale will be May 22, it seems as though it will be counted as one, but nevertheless, this is very exciting news, and we'll be sure to keep you updated!
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