Ratings: "Where the Wild Things Are"
filed under: 412 Where the Wild Things Are, ratings 2 talk backsHere are the (I'm not gonna lie) somewhat disappointing ratings for "Where the Wild Things Are." Get that word of mouth going, people! You need to spread it around how great the show is again! Thanks to TVGuide.com.
Grey's Anatomy led the pack like a pro, but was down 20 percent from last year with 16 mil — one of its lowest numbers to date.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I think the ratings are lower because of the strike. the ratings were lower for desperate housewives too. Many people did not know it was coming on because the last episode was january. Abc showed commericals for it but many people werent watching because they assumed there were no more episodes.
i thought Where the Wild Things Are was the best episode of the fourth season. it was funny with the contest and lexie stealing stuff from the hospital. i really like that meredith is matureing and finaly going to a therapist. i cant wait till the next episode
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I started to boycott it when Rose appeared on screen and I will continue to boycott again (I watched Meredith's scenes on youtube). I hate Plant and Stamile can't act.
I'm glad for for these ratings. ABC used Derek/Rose for to promote the show. Bad idea. Of course Shonda said that merder will get back together in the finale but an huge part of fans have no interest to watch Derek who is kissing Rose or other things between them. People wants the main couple and the original cast members.
I've read that Stamile will be the star of the new DVD. Really? Another mistake. I won't buy it.