Poor Katie
filed under: editorials, Katherine Heigl 10 talk backsNOTE: This is an editorial. It reflects the author's opinion alone. You may not, and probably don't, agree with it, and that is your choice.
I have a question. Maybe you can answer. Maybe you can't. I may not want to hear that answer, if you have it. But, my question is: Why is Hollywood's new ragdoll Katherine Heigl? What do I mean by this? I mean, why is it that everyone picks on her and calls her a bitch and whatnot? What, exactly, did she ever do?
Case in point: a new article on celebrity gossip website "What Would Tyler Durden Do." The headline? "Katherine Heigl: Still a Bitch." The article goes on to talk about how Katie withdrew herself from the Emmy nominations this year because she felt as if she wasn't given good enough material to warrant an award, and didn't want to risk taking the award from someone who really deserved it. Of course, this site (WWTDD), spins it to make it look as though Katie is blaming the writers. So, obviously, the writer of this article does not watch Grey's Anatomy. Let's take a look back at Season Four for Izzie...
The first half of the season was dealing with the affair with George, Callie's finding out, and the aftermath of that. The second half of the season ("Season Four, Part Two") dealt with Izzie's aftermath of realizing she didn't love George and moving on and, subsequently, needing to grow up (like the rest of the characters). And her screen time, in case you didn't notice, was cut considerably.
Katie wasn't doing this to blame the writers for sucking (which they didn't), she was doing this so that someone can get the award that she feels deserves it more than her. This was a kind, selfless act.
When did Katie become the bitch? Why does everyone feel the need to pick on her and misconstrue and twist her words to make her one? It sounds to me, and to most fans and the cast and crew of Grey's Anatomy, that she is a down-to-earth person. A kind person. A selfless person. True, the notion that she'd want out of her contract at Grey's is upsetting and quite frankly does anger me. I love Izzie, and Grey's Anatomy would literally be a totally different show without her. But she's just trying to further her blossoming, booming career - which obviously shows that audiences and studios don't view her as the bitch either.
So, tell me, what did she ever do but try to be a great person, a great friend, a great actress? Did she stick her foot in her mouth? Is that all? Because, frankly, we all do it, and she shouldn't be judged for that.
Katherine Heigl is a great actress. She's hilarious and beautiful and could probably be anyone's best friend (I know I'd love that!). So, just...what the hell?
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
KH didn't have to say anything. Her statement is a passive-aggressive trap.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Great article. I agree 100% with everything you said.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Well said :). I'm glad Katherine has the balls to say what many people have been doing about the Emmys for decades.
If she didn't say anything, then it would still be on the net. It would still be everywhere because KH is that big of an entertainer. There would be constant speculation she wants out of GA. What I learned it's never ending with KH because one statement she makes it gets everywhere and is twisted. She will probably clarify herself.
In the end KH is very popular with her castmates. Shonda constantly gushes about her and etc. I think people just do not a successful, highly opinionated woman.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thank you for that. We finally get someone who speaks the truth and shows us her true colours instead of all the PR ridden fake hollywood actors. I aplaud the girl for making statements that she must know will not be taken without disagreement. And the best part is she has the talen to back it up.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I'm going to have to disagree with you, completely and utterly, as well as some of the comments.
This has nothing to do with people not liking opinionated women. I myself am a very opinionated woman, but I would never cross the line like that. Whether or not KH meant her comment as a dig at the writers is not the point. It can definitely be taken that way, and she and her PR person should have realised that, which leads me to comclude that they did realise it and just didn't care. You never, ever do what KH has done. Before GA she was an unknown, and with the way she is going, she'll be a has-been in a few years, one of those actresses whose mouth and general cockiness makes them unlikeable.
That comment was a disgrace. This woman needs to learn when to speak and when not to. It's not about having the 'balls' to confront a long-standing issue with the emmy's, it's about having a little bit of class and dignity, which Katherine Heigl seems to be lacking. It is not about balls and it is not about 'telling the truth.' Worded a different way, this statement would not have caused the reaction it has.
Is she saying it because she means it, or because she knew that she had no chance in hell of winning an emmy this year considering the other submissions, and this comment gets her name out there regardless?
You don't PUBLICALLY critise those that have risen you to stardom, that's bad taste and shows an immense lack of respect. She stood outside with the other actors when the strike was on, claiming her support of the writers, and good on her and others for that. However, to turn around from that act, to this comment is disgraceful and does add to the ever-forming opinion that she is a bit of a bitch. I have no problem with questioning autority, or her giving her opinions on her character or the material she has been given, as long as it is done with a little bit of tact and respect. While the first half of the season was not steller writing, the other actor's/actresses on GA made the scenes they were given their own. EP and PD have come out saying they were unhappy with storylines for their characters, but not once did they turn to the 'it's all about me' tone that KH seems to be the queen of.
I love Izzie. I love her character, and have done for a long time, but KH is trying my patience, and if she wants to have a career that really means something, she needs to learn to shut her trap, and think before she speaks.
This comment might not be considered PC, and will probably annoy a lot of people, but it is the way I, and many others, feel.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Give me a break people! You (and I'm talking to hollywood and the public at large), judge KH as if you know her. As if you were there when she made every single comment that was spun out of context. Yeah, she said her material was not emmy worthy and that she was withdrawing from the "competition". All of this is basically true. Season 4 was fraught with problems. The writers strike for one basically killed a lot of the story line. I would bet that had the writers strike NOT happened, KH might have had a bigger storyline. That things might have been explored with her character a little more. How soon we forget that this season was cut way short and that the writers HAD to condense and re-focus a lot of the story. So, they probably went with a focus on Meredith and Derek as that's apparently where the money is. KH simply did not have a storyline this season... She might have had one if a certain couple had not been cut short by the public.
Hollywood thrives on negative spin. Get a quoted comment from a star and put an out of context picture next to it and you've got a story. Who cares if it's true or not, you can just print a retraction later and all is forgiven. Give me a break. There are plenty of reasons for the truth or the lie in hollywood, just pick your favorite.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I am with you, every word.
I have never seen a beautiful, talented actor like Katherine Heigl, bashed like this. Every little thing she did or said gets twisted and changed so that what comes out in the media always appeared as bitchy to some people.
Even my boyfriend and friend cannot undertand "WHY HER?"
I am not an American and perhaps that is why I cannot understand that bitchy , mean, petty attack on an very talented actress who has done nothing harmful to anyone.
I wish you people would look at yourself and your character before spewing such nasty comments.I would go as far as to say....you should learn from KH!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Katherine can't act and, I agree, she's an ARROGANT ASS.
I dislike her and I hate Izzie Stevens.
Shonda should give great material to Sandra, Chandra, Patrick and the others. We are tired of this DIVA!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
"It's not about having the 'balls' to confront a long-standing issue with the emmy's, it's about having a little bit of class and dignity, which Katherine Heigl seems to be lacking. It is not about balls and it is not about 'telling the truth.' Worded a different way, this statement would not have caused the reaction it has."
"and if she wants to have a career that really means something, she needs to learn to shut her trap, and think before she speaks.and if she wants to have a career that really means something, she needs to learn to shut her trap, and think before she speaks."
Absolutely right
Monday, June 16, 2008
this is an amazing article. if only you get everyone to read it. she doesnt deserve all of this crap people are throwing at her,shes a good person and people need to see that.
i TOTALLY agree with this article.