"Last Season was Boring"
filed under: MerDer, Patrick Dempsey, Rose, season four, show news 0 talk backsUh-oh. Watch out MerDer fans and Rose-haters. Patrick Dempsey has spoken out about the show's creative direction and the Meredith/Derek/Rose relationships. "Dempsey is actually happy about the development, saying that he feels 'encouraged' that someone new has come into to his character's life. 'It will make the storylines more interesting and compelling,' Dempsey told the New York Post. 'Last season [season three] was boring to do. Enough is enough already. It's time for the writers to go back and take a look at things and find some new paths for these characters. It was too repetitive for me.'" But he's not hopeful for Meredith and Derek's relationship. "'You would think that they would work through their difficulties and move forward. Meredith needs to get healthy. That's an interesting thing to explore with her character. Does he stand by her while she goes through that? Or do they work through their problems alone? Shonda Rhimes is very clear on what she wants to do but not clear on what the actors are going to do.'" Nonetheless, "'The opportunities that the cast is getting are certainly because of the show's success,' he said. 'As long as [Grey's Anatomy] continues, we'll stay with it.'"
So, there you have it. Meredith and Derek's future is pretty much all up in the air, Patrick Dempsey's getting excited about his role again, and Rose may just stick around longer than you want her to...
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