Merdose, Mark, and Gizzie Reunion News!
filed under: gizzie, MerDer, Rose, spoilers, writer's strike 17 talk backsAccording to one of our sources, there's going to be a triangle between, yup, you guessed it: Meredith, Derek, and Rose. The source continues on, telling us that while George and Izzie may not be back together by the end of this season, seedlings of a reunion between the couple (lubby-dubby wise) will be planted by at least mid-next season (Gizzie haters rejoice!). They also say that Mark will continue to not have a really big storyline during the course of this season, but that we should expect one next season. All of this information, I'm going to assume, is based on the fact that the writer's strike will end and season four will get a few more episodes in. And if it doesn't, well, all this goes down the pot...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Is it a joke??!!
Meredith/Derek/Rose? Another triangle? Gizzie again?
I will boycott this show.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Mer/Der/Rose-BORING! No chemistry whatsoever. Give us Mer/Der back THEY are the couple. They have so much chemistry and you are wasting it! Don't ruin your show anymore then you've done already.
Just about ready to jump ship
Friday, January 04, 2008
Oh I hope it is true about Gizzie as they are the only reason I watched and would not watch if they were done for good.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Yay George and Izzie, love them!
Friday, January 04, 2008
ROFLMAO! Gizzie reunion?!?!?! Another triangle, and Mark not having a storyline. We KNOW that there's going to be a triangle, but the rest of it just seems too out of range to be true. The writers only wrote up until Episode 13, so even if those become the first two episodes of Season Five no one would really know besides Shonda herself about next season.
Friday, January 04, 2008
A Gizzie reunion would make sense. Those two are still in love and the bad chemistry was revealed to be timing and was obviously fixed by the time they had that dance because the chemistry was bursting through the screens. Even if they have 13 episodes written, the writers have always a plan in store, an idea for the rest of the season. They always have a general idea of what they want to do when they start the season, even if they don't have all the details yet. Gizzie does not feel over for good for me, and seriously the show had dedicated so many episodes to them, I don't see them dropping them like that without ever looking back. It would be stupid. If she wanted to end them for good, she would have them said they were friend only and had made a mistake, not declare their love again. And the I love you too in episode 1 would never have happened, she would have nipped Gizzie in the bud much earlier than episode 10.
After MerDer, Gizzie has the second biggest fanbase out there, ending them for good would be totally stupid.
I think she broke them up so they can get together later the right way. I can see them still pining for each other but trying to move on and then a few months later, finding their way back to each other without Callie or the guilt of the affair hanging over them.
Friday, January 04, 2008
I had actually heard rumors that Gizzie would break up by mid-season but not be totally over and that they would reunite by the end of the season. They are still in love and such love does not go away because your relationship did not work out. I think they have the real deal here so I hope they work out. They are the main reason I watch and I don't think I could forgive the show if they just acted like this love story never happened.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
I love George and Izzie, so I hope this is true.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Considering the highly critical public flogging over Gizzie both by fans and the media Shonda would be crazy to continue them. They definitely have been a partial "jump the shark" moment for the show, and definitely need to go for good. However, considering the poor and juvenile writing of the show lately they may actually try them again.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Just to clarify my comment from before. They have up until Episode 13 for THIS season written. The spoiler said that a Gizzie reunion, if it happens, will only have SEEDLINGS dropped by at the earliest the middle of NEXT season. THAT far in advance, the only one who would be privy to that would be Shonda. According to the writers who wrote "Scars and Souvenirs", they often do not know plot progressions until they are actually going to sit down and write. THEY were shocked when George and Izzie slept together because Shonda announced it when they sat down to write the episode. Therefore, it may be speculation, but unless someone got inside Shonda's head I think that's all it is.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Honestly, Cathy, yes, you are probably correct. Obviously, I don't know who my source's source is, and won't, but I'm sure that the writers probably do have a *general* idea of where Shonda's going. I don't know. I just report the stuff. I figured it would be an interesting read and give some hope to Gizzie lovers, but I realize it might not turn out that way.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
As a Gizzie lover, thanks for trying to give us some hope. Even if things don't turn out completely that way, I think Gizzie might be reunited down the line as the door was not totally closed on them. And like some people here, I also had read the rumor about Gizzie breaking up around mid-season 4 and being reunited by the end of the season 4. The strike might have postponed that though. I hope it is true and Shonda and the show know just how many of us love this couple.
They are my favorite couple on the show and probably my favorite couple ever, so the thought of them being over for good would be unbearable.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Gizzie might have been bashed by most critics and some of the fans, but they also have a pretty huge fanbase. In the most recent Grey magazine, in the fan letters section, the editors said they had been browsing the Net and noticed that George and Izzie had equal love and hate, that the number of fans of the couples and haters was the same but that everyone was talking about them. They also said that they had received a lot of pro-Gizzie letters. A recent poll on the Internet about favorite couple on TV had Gizzie second only to MerDer by a mere 1%, not too bad for a couple supposedly hated by everyone. I have been watching all the polls on Gizzie and most recent polls have Gizzie support at either 50% or more. In fact, Gizzie does pretty good on all the polls. Also, most of the people I know who watch are BIG Gizzie fans. I know many people who watch mainly for them or only for them. I know people who had stopped watching the show and came back for them. As for the critics who cares what they think. They also hate Meredith and Ellen Pompeo and have bashed Merder on many occasions (I just read recently a critic saying MerDer had zero chemistry and were the most boring couple on Earth; another called Meredith and Derek the two most despicable characters on TV and said they deserved each other). In fact, the critics seem to hate most of the show and live to bash it and sometimes reading the critics, I do wonder if they watch the show at all because they get the basic facts wrong, they don't spell the names of the characters correctly and sometimes they seem to have no idea what is going on. The only critics who seem to really love Grey and get it are the small critics and bloggers, the ones that don't have to bash and say mean stuff to get people to read them, the ones that go under the radar, like Televionista,, Tv Blog, and yes those three sites have been pro-Gizzie. The sites where they really know the show and love it loved Gizzie and have encouraged Shonda to give them a chance. A recent Popsugar article said that Gizzie made more sense than any couple on TV, and there was a poll on Gizzie below, and 62% of people said they loved the couple. So where is all the hate? Except for TWOP and ABC, one site that loves Merder and Merder only and hates everything else and another site filled with pre-teen obsessed with Alex and Izzie because they are HAWT and can have HAWT sex, I have not seen that hate. Even places like Entertainement Weekly and Tv-com where there used to be a lot of hate have had a lot of Gizzie fans joining, in that number a lot of former haters. In fact, the number of Gizzie fans keeps growing and growing. Look around on Fanforum, george O'Malley and Izzie Stevens's Livejournal shipper community, Devoted Fans Network, Youtube, there are a lot of Gizzie fans around and we want this couple together.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Meredith deserves much better than Derek, and so does Rose. I love George and Izzie, I was devastated that they ended. I hope the show has not ended them because of the backlash like someone here suggested because George and Izzie have a lot more fans than they are being given credit for. They are the reason my family and I watched the show religiously every single week, the reason why we bought the season 3 DVD and the reason why I buy every edition of the magazine. They are not the only reason why I watch the show, but they are definitely the reason why I am so passionate about it. They are what made me go from enjoying the show to LOVING it, and all my friends are huge fans too. The George and Izzie scenes are the only ones we will rewind and rewind to watch again and I have watched all the Gizzie clips on Youtube time and time again.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
"Like the theme of this episode, we have a plan." - Writer of MFM.
Shonda doesn't keep everything to herself, the writers may be surprised by plot twists that Shonda keeps to herself until last minute, but sharing something general like George and Izzie getting back together - believable.
Even if the source isn't right, I believe there will be a triangle of sorts with M/D/R, that George and Izzie will be back together, and that Mark will actually get a storyine on the show.
Monday, January 07, 2008
I agree with the latest comment, even if the source is not right, I think those things the source said will happen. Gizzie does not feel finished to me, and my love for them might be blinding me, but I feel they are far from over. But I won't watch the show until they are back together because they are my only interest on the show
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I want George and Izzie together!I hope this is true