
Will Yet Another Relationship End?  

14 talk backs

Now, I'm not one to bash Grey's Anatomy. In fact, I'm the person that will defend what's happening on the show to the end, and try to figure out what it means for the character's growth. This, however, even seems to be too much though. And I can't figure out the point of it. Over the course of the previous four seasons, here is the list of ALL of the relationships that have ended on Grey's Anatomy. If there's a couple that's been on-off (like MerDer), I've listed them over and over, and I'm doing this some memory, so if I miss a few, don't hurt me. Some of them are also kind of opinions, which I interpreted as break-ups, like Cristina & Burke after Tremorgate in season three.

  • Meredith/Derek (1 - "101 A Hard Day's Night")
  • George/Olivia ("109 Who's Zoomin' Who?")
  • Alex/Izzie (1 - "210 Much Too Much")
  • Alex/Izzie (2 - "221 Superstition")
  • Meredith/Derek (2 - "201 Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head")
  • Meredith/Derek (3 - "206 Into You Like a Train")
  • Richard/Adele (1 - "301 Time Has Come Today")
  • Addison/Derek (1 - "301 Time Has Come Today" flashback)
  • Addison/Derek (2 - "302 I Am a Tree")
  • Addison/Mark (1 - "303 Sometimes a Fantasy")
  • Addison/Mark (2 - "321 Desire")
  • Richard/Adele (2 - "404 The Heart of the Matter")
  • Meredith/Derek (4 - "224 Damage Case" It wasn't really one, but it sure sounded like it)
  • Meredith/Derek (5 - "321 Desire")
  • Meredith/Derek (6 - "325 Didn't We Almost Have it All?")
  • Meredith/Derek (7 - presumably "411 Lay Your Hands on Me")
  • George/Callie (1 - "305 Oh, The Guilt")
  • George/Callie (2 - "403 Let the Truth Sting")
  • George/Izzie ("410 Crash Into Me, Part Two")
  • Cristina/Burke (1 - "310 Don't Stand So Close to Me")
  • Cristina/Burke (2 - "325 Didn't We Almost Have it All?")
  • Addison/Alex (1 - "313 Great Expectations")
  • Addison/Alex (2 - "321 Desire")
  • Alex/Ava (1 - "325 Didn't We Almost Have it All?")
  • Alex/Ava (2 - hard to say when, though, since she keeps on freaking coming back)
  • Alex/Lexie (presumably "410 Crash Into Me, Part Two")
  • Meredith/George ("219 What Have I Done to Deserve This?")
That right there is a list of 27 break-ups on this show. And I know I had to have missed some. Meredith and Derek, in my eyes, have broken up seven times in 70 episodes, which is honestly kind of ridiculous. Not one relationship on this show has ended happily yet. I know Shonda always says the show would be boring if they lived "happily ever after," but, for God's sake, give us at least a few couples that are healthy together (coughMeredithandDerekcough) and give us some healthy friendly relationships (coughGeorgeandIzziecough). The one relationship that was working out was Bailey and her husband, and now it appears as though that will be ending in the next episode as well. I understand the storyline. Being married to a doctor can't be easy, and it's interesting to see Bailey's character thrown into this kind of situation, but, seriously. This is one storyline that needs to have a happy ending. And if it doesn't, then when this awful strike is over and Shonda returns to work she needs to work steadily on getting some healthy relationships going...or at least have Meredith get over her insecurities faster. Because, even me - the world's #1 Grey's Anatomy fan, can't stand the unhappy endings anymore.

What next?

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14 talk backs: to “ Will Yet Another Relationship End?

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    I completely agree! Give us some happy endings, Shonda!!!!!

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    I get what you are saying and I would love to see some happy relationships that last on Grey's but I won't call soon of these break up because my definition of breaking up involves having been together for a certain amount of time and in some of the cases you have used the two parties weren't really dating, in my definition. lol. but I would love to see more happy couples on Grey's

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    Yah, I know. Some of those break-ups are a little "iffy" but, like I said, they are just what I interpreted as a break-up. Everybody interprets the iffy ones differently.

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    That's been my complaint all along, this show does not have ONE stable relationship. If Merder breaks up for good, or the writers drag out this ridiculous triangle, this show WILL tank. I stopped watching four episodes ago and will not come back until Merder are together in a STABLE relationship.

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    George and Izzie were the one couple that felt healthy and real and of course Shonda ruined that. That was what made me stop watching the show. If George and Izzie who is the only couple with true love break up, there is no hope for anyone. All the other couples are messed up so I expected that but not George and Izzie.

  • Friday, January 04, 2008  

    I completey agree with you.
    I so hope that Mer/Der don't end. They are the couple and if they END them in this eppy as it's been said they're putting a knife right throw there show.

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    I agree. I think Shonda & Co. have a different vision that what we want. We see a show with good character development and interactions. We see a show that can be about strong relationships working through the day to day life of intelligent people, dealing with life and death issues and the struggle to make time to be together. They see people who have no direction or development and are so emotionally stagnant they are unable to relate on any level to another human being. I too am waiting for Mer/Der but I agree the bubble burst for me a long time ago. If I want a dose of a good show I look at season 1/2, the rest I can do without.

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    I feel sad for Shonda that she doesn't believe in happy endings because they do happen. I also feel bad for her because she doesn't realize why her show was such a hit in the first place. And now it just makes me mad because she is ruining such a good thing.

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    Shonda, don't ruin our show!!! Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der!!!! I know you can do it, (Mer/Der) I know you can write a good show. (Mer/Der) You did it before and I have faith you can do it again.(Mer/Der) Just try a little harder would you1 Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der Mer/Der

    (I'm hoping a little subliminal messaging will help! Mer/Der)

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    Derek and Meredith starting out with a healthy relationship, until Shonda turned the direction of the show and brought in a wife which then made Derek a cheater and a liar. Since then she has done nothing but destroy relationships so I don't think she knows how to write anything else.

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    I think some of these break-ups had to be, but the whole Mer/Der one is really what takes the cake. They are the core couple, and the one that most people watch for.

  • Saturday, January 05, 2008  

    Yes, this is true, Cathy. Some of these break-ups were necessary, such as Meredith and Derek's second break-up in season two, and Derek and Addison's break-up. My main point, though, is that there's way too many of them, and it looks like the last actual couple on the show (Bailey and her husband) may be ending, leaving Grey's with no couples at all (because, from the sound of it, it seems as if Derek and Rose may not hop in bed together right away either). My plea in this post is that Shonda start on the track to introduce more happy couples with happy endings. They can have complications (obviously, they must), but they need to be there.
    ...Ironically enough, I think Cristina and Burke were going to be that couple before Isaiah went and got all stupid and got fired. Oh well.

  • Sunday, January 06, 2008  

    I agree with that, Christina and Burke have actually been the only ones besides Bailey that had any kind of long term relationship. I also think if Isaiah hadn't messed up they would probably still be together. I think the term "happy ending" is what throws Shonda. It doesn't have to be a fairytale but it sure could be more reflective of real life.

  • Friday, January 11, 2008  

    I want George and Izzie back! They were the best couple.