Someone Wants to Leave - STAT
filed under: Ausiello at TVGuide, Joshua Jackson, speculation, writer's strike 1 talk backsAccording to Michael Ausiello over at, someone major at Grey's Anatomy wants to leave the show - and soon. Current speculation is that it is Katherine Heigl, who has been quite outspoken about her dislike with the show's (and her character's) current direction, and is bursting into huge movie fame (first with Knocked Up, and now with 27 Dresses out next Friday). True, there are 13 main cast members on Grey's Anatomy, but Heigl is the most outspoken, with Patrick Dempsey coming close behind, but he's already spoken for himself, saying that even if he doesn't like the direction the show is heading, he'll stick with it until the end. In the same quote, he was also speaking for the whole cast, but obviously, this isn't true for all of them. Nevertheless, we probably don't have to worry about most of the cast members, including Patrick and Ellen Pompeo, but Katherine Heigl...well, I'm not too sure about her. I personally really hope she doesn't leave. It would be a huge blow to the show and Izzie's character is so essential. I'll keep you updated. Read on for Ausiello's scoop from his column...
Some very mean and nasty people have been saying that Sandra Oh is leaving Grey's Anatomy, whenever it comes back. Since you are the god of TV scoop, I knew you'd be able to deny this for me. Interesting. Unfortunately, I can't verify that rumor's authenticity. What I can verify is that someone — and a major someone at that — wants to be discharged from Seattle Grace, and STAT. But, as far as I can tell, that someone is not Sandra Oh.
You mentioned that Joshua Jackson's three-episode Grey's Anatomy arc was delayed indefinitely because of the writers' strike. However, there's a new Grey's airing this Thursday. Will he be in that episode? No, hence the "delayed indefinitely" thing. The good news is that I hear Shonda Rhimes has every intention of shoe-horning Pacey into Seattle Grace (and Cristina's bed) the second the strike is over.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I honestly thought he meant the character, however; I have to disagree on Patrick behind Katherine. In my opinion, Patrick has eluded throughout the Enchanted promotion that he is just tired of Hollywood, and he would rather go back to this homestead out of California. Now Katherine has criticized her character's development, but she said she wanted to go back to work after the strike is over at the 27 Dresses Premiere.
Or Aussiello could once again be wrong again NO ONE is leaving, and his column meant a character cliffhanger for 4.11. Just from all the Heigl and Dempsey interviews IMO my first gut said Dempsey because since May he has been against the show non-stop, and emphasized he wants out of L.A. That's just me though....