
Surprises Are Ahead...  

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Here's all the scoop from Shonda Rhimes herself, thanks to those wonderful people over at TVGuide - this time, it's the magazine. The issue? It's currently on stands now. Grey's Anatomy returns April 24.

What's next "When we come, we'll have leapt ahead five or six weeks in time," creator Shonda Rhimes says. "It's our way of acknowledging the bump [caused by the strike]. But it'll be very clear from the first moment what has transpired. You'll see where things stand with Derek and Meredith and Rose. You'll see where George is living, and in the first episode all the residents will be involved in a high-stakes surgical contest - definitely something the chief would not condone."
Hookup central "Old relationships will become new again, some people you thought would never get together will, and there are going to be some interesting outside influences," Rhimes promises. George and Izzie have "put it to bed for the night. They've left it at the idea that it's not necessarily about the bad sex as [it is] the bad timing. What will be interesting to see is that after the intimate explosion of events [whether] they can just be friends." Pretty boy plastic surgeon Mark "McSteamy" Sloan will continue his pursuit of hard-to-impress Dr. Hahn. "The way that is going to play out will be surprising to everyone," Rhimes says. "Mark is not used to not getting what he wants."
The MerDer Chronicles "I am pretty dedicated to the idea that they are going to be together for good this season," Rhimes says. "What's going to be interesting is how she gets her act together, and how they decide this is it." Are those wedding bells we hear?! "I did not say there is going to be a wedding," Rhimes says. "Or a ring. Although I didn't say there wasn't going to be a ring."
Flamethrower Addison will pop up at Seattle Grace to perform surgeries that only she can do and "discover whether you can really ever go home," Rhimes says.
The date currently set for Addison's return? May 1, the second episode back from the hiatus.

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